is food medicine? here’s what the science suggests…
Learn through personalized
food recommendations.
Our unique food scoring system – called the FoodHealth Score – makes it easy to understand which foods deliver results.
Shop from anywhere
in the U.S.
We deliver to all 50 states and regularly offer discounts, incentives, and deals to make our healthy food affordable.
Heal 30+
health conditions.
Our online marketplace supports a
vast array of health conditions, food
allergies, and dietary preferences.
Our digital food farmacy is the easiest way to find foods that prevent and manage any
health condition.
here’s how we make it so easy:
Members fill out a nutrition
profile that helps us understand their wants, needs and desires.
Members have the option to purchase items that are delivered right to their home (no matter their zip code).
bitewell then curates a list of groceries, prepared meals, and recipes that support the users’ health conditions and goals.
We offer rewards, deals, and incentives for healthy food to make eating well a no-brainer.
The FoodHealth Score
Blanket nutrition advice doesn’t work, so we made something that does – the FoodHealth Score.
bitewell’s FoodHealth Score is a personalized 0-10 food scoring system that combines nutrition science with tech to help people quickly identify which foods will help them manage their health conditions and goals.
But don’t take our word for it. Here are its validated results:
Average "good" cholesterol levels are up:
HDL-C (mg/dL)
Blood Pressure
Average systolic BP levels are reduced by:
Average HbA1c levels are reduced by:
Average BMI goes down by:
bitewell makes the healthy choice the easy choice for people living with a health condition.
Learn how more about our digital food farmacy, how it works, and why treating food as medicine matters.