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5 unexpected signals that your food choices align perfectly with your body's needs

In today’s world, we typically associate change with metrics – be it pounds dropped, lowered LDL levels, etc. And while we love to measure things like that at bitewell, it’s important to note that these kinds of measurements are lag indicators – i.e. they let you know when the work you’ve done has worked. But to stay on track – you have to know that what you’re doing now is going to deliver the metrics we want. Hence this post. 

So, without further ado, here are five unexpected signals that your food choices are going to deliver the results you want. 

you’re regular 

Believe it or not, going #2 regularly and easily is one of the best signals that what you’re eating is working for you. So, if you weren’t regular and, now, you are – it’s a really good indication that what you’re eating is working for you. 

you have less pain 

Pain is a signal that your body is inflamed. As what you eat plays a key role in inflammation, it's only natural that pain lessens when you consume good-for-you foods. That’s why people often report feeling less pain when they switch to a diet that works with their body (v. against it).

you’re sleeping better 

Studies show that nutrition influences the quality of one's sleep, and that certain foods (and drinks) can make it easier or harder to get the sleep that you need. Hence why you know you’re eating foods that work for you when you sleep better.

you have more energy in the afternoon

The 3:00pm crash is almost always a direct result of what you eat. Thing is, most people don’t know that. But now you do – which is why increased energy in the afternoon is a clear signal that your food choices are aligning with your body’s needs. 

you’re calmer

The brain and gut are connected. As a result, what you eat affects your mental state. Hence why studies consistently show that when people eat foods that positively impact your gut, people can prevent and better manage stress.

To learn why food can help you make all these changes, check out our article Is food medicine? Here’s what the science suggests…

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